S/R : MP Stormed Jakpa Keep Fit Club on Saturday in Damongo
Member of Parliament for Damongo, Hon. Adam Muntawakilu (Garlus) joined Jakpa Fit Club (Jakfit) for for its weekend aerobic session on Saturday 17th October, 2020 in Damongo
The club which was established in March 2020 uses the forecourt of the Mahama Guest House as its training centre at 6:00am every Saturday and Sunday and on any other holiday.
The main purpose of the club is to use Physical Aerobic Exercises for a Healthy Living
Speaking after the workout session, the Mp expressed his delight to have been part of the exercise and promised to come again some other time
He donated Ghc 200.00 to the club for refreshment and pledged to support the club with an amount of Ghc 2000.00 for its launch
The club is gearing up for the official launch in November, 2020
Story by: Abudu Abramani Atom