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The relegated Techiman City football Club’s President  Charles Kwadwo Ntim has demanded the nullification of all the just ended National competitions.


According to the four page letter sent the Ghana Football Association President and copied to FIFA and CAF indicated that GFA Disciplinary Committee chaired by Mr. Osei Kwadwo (Addo) Adow, Esq. was ilnot licensed to practice in Ghana in the year 2021. In Simple team, he is not a Lawyer in good standing to deserve the honour of dispensing justice within our football industry, at least for now.

Mr Charles Kwadwo stated that, To repair this damage and restore the Leagues’ integrity and also inspire confidence in potential sponsors we kindly request the GFA for seven demands.


Read below the full letter sent it the GFA:



Please, find attached a self-explanatory letter from the General Legal Council, Ghana, dated 22nd July 2021.

We are more than persuaded that the letter will be of great interest to our cherished football
industry, particularly clubs affected by the decisions of the GFA Disciplinary Committee chaired by Mr. Osei Kwadwo (Addo) Adow, Esq. who is not licensed to practice in Ghana in the year 2021. Simply put, he is not a Lawyer in good standing to deserve the honour of dispensing justice within our football industry, at least for now.

Presently, we are not so animated by the recent emergence of Information Technology (IT) trail revealing that some decisions of the GFA Disciplinary Committee were authored for them by the GFA General Secretary, Mr. Prosper Harrison Addo Esq. This clearly compromises the independence of the Disciplinary Committee as envisaged in Article 53 of the GFA Statutes, 2019, that deals with “Institutional Independence”. The allegation has neither been clarified nor repudiated by either of them, and if indeed “silence is golden”, then we are emboldened to assure you that at the appropriate time this rather disturbing, discomforting and palpably disappointing matter, undermining the integrity of Ghana Football would be tackled head-on.

Within the football jurisdiction the Appeals Committee adjudicate matters flowing from the Disciplinary Committee, Ethics Committee and Players’ Status Committee internally and then the Court of Arbitration for Sports (CAS) as the last resort in line with Article 63 of the GFA Statutes, 2019.

It is common knowledge that the football fraternity in recent times have had more than reasonable occasions to question and challenge some decisions of the Disciplinary Committee either publicly or by due process on appeal. It is therefore distressing to have Mr. Osei Kwadwo (Addo) Adow Esq, who is not qualified and eligible as per Article 56 of the GFA Statutes, to chair that August body and make decisions with huge potential effect on relegation, championship, and promotion in the just ended 2020/2021 football season (particularly in Zone 3 of the Division One League). This singular act of deceit has seriously dented the credibility of both the competition and the entire disciplinary process. To repair this damage and restore the Leagues’ integrity and also inspire confidence in potential sponsors we kindly request the GFA:

1. To conduct a wind-back search to find out the real status of Mr. Osei Kwadwo (Addo) Adow Esq. at the time of his appointment by the Executive Council in 2019.

2. To confirm whether per Articles 15(1) (c) and 16(1)(b) of the GFA Statutes he was nominated by a member and duly elected at Congress of the GFA. To confirm whether or not an integrity check was conducted on him as required by the Regulations.

3. Advisedly, either withdraw him from the membership of the Disciplinary Committee or made to resign immediately to avoid further embarrassment to himself and the GFA.

4. As a matter of urgency direct that all decisions of the Disciplinary Committee bearing the imprint of Mr. Osei Kwadwo (Addo) Adow Esq., be nullified immediately, and any other consequential directives so contemplated halted pending convocation of the GFA Congress to discuss the way forward.

5. To declare all official competitions organized by the GFA during the 2020/2021 season as “null and void” and is of no legal effect. This is in relation to all matters that were adjudicated and/or presided over by Mr. Osei Kwadwo (Addo) Adow Esq.

6. To consider as a ripple effect of (5) above and halt all promotions and
demotions/relegations envisaged in the football season under review (2020/2021).

7. Based on the affirmation of (1) above, and for deceit and holding himself in a
capacity he was not so eligible at all material times be either referred to the appropriate football or state authority for necessary action.

We wish to emphasis that this letter is unusually addressed to the President/ Executive Council of the Ghana Football Association as against the usual practice of addressing it directly to the General Secretary for the simple reason of suspicion of complicity of the General secretary in the issue raised in paragraph three (3) of this letter.

We trust that you would treat this matter as very urgent and with all the utmost attention it requires to avoid any formal litigation.
Counting on your usual cooperation.

Charles Kwadwo Ntim
(Club President)

All Members of the GFA

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