Club licensing Board releases decision on Berekum Golden City Park
The Club Licensing Board at its sitting on Wednesday, March 31, 2021 considered the request of Berekum Arsenal and Berekum Chelsea for the re-reinstatement of their match venue licence for Berekum Golden City Park to host Division One and Premier League matches respectively.
In respect of the Golden City Park, the Board observed that there has been a considerable improvement in the quality of the playing pitch and commended both Berekum Arsenal and Berekum Chelsea for the effort. The Board, however, observed that the pitch would require further constant watering, fertilization and rolling to allow the pitch to withstand the volume of activity expected on the pitch for both Division One and Premier League games henceforth.
The Board also observed safety concerns relating to the construction of a stand for the water tank used to irrigate the pitch. The Board has therefore decided to schedule another inspection in two (2) weeks to make a final decision. In the meantime, no footballing activity (competitive, friendly or training) can take place at the venue.